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Cranford Soccer Club

Helping foster the enhancement and development of soccer for Cranford residents of all ages and abilities

Rec Soccer (u9-HS; formerly Intercounty) Page Sections

note:  Intercounty soccer is now called RECREATIONAL SOCCER; u9-HS (rebranding announced 1/27/2024)
If your questions/needs are not supported by the information below, please email [email protected]

Scroll-down to see the following sections:

  • Registration Info
  • Season Dates
  • Fields Info
  • Training Schedule
  • Program Overview
  • Program Divisions
  • Team Formation
  • Parent/Guardian References
  • Uniform Ordering Info
  • FAQs

Fields Info

Cranford Fields Info (and survey)

Westfield Fields Info

(for Local Play; SYSL's (Intercounty) Sports Engine app should have field info attached to each game event

Registration Info

Click the Login or Register button top right of this screen, to register for Spring 2025 season (registration is OPEN as of January 14th)


  • registration window: Jan. 14th - Feb. 28th --> $250
  • late registration window ($50 fee): March 1st - March 15th--> $300 (places your player on wait list; does not guarantee a spot - any players without a spot will be refunded)

u15-High School:

  • registration window: Jan. 14th - Feb. 28th --> $250
  • late registration window ($50 fee): March 1st - March 15th --> $300 (places your player on wait list; does not guarantee a spot - any players without a spot will be refunded)

Rec Soccer Season Dates

U10-U12; Local Play (this includes u9s)

Local Play will start in early April. Specific season dates will be posted in early March.
see Local Play Parent Reference video to understand scheduling dynamics

U13-HS; SYSL (intercounty play)

Week 1 - Apr 5/6 Season Starts All Divisions

Week 2 - Apr 12/13

Week 3 - April 19/20

Week 4 - April 26/27

Week 5 - May 3/4

Week 6 - May 10/11 (Mother's Day weekend)

Week 7 - May 17/18

Week 8 - May 24/25 Memorial Day Weekend - Make Up Games Only

Week 9 - May 31/June 1 - 1st Round playoffs

Week 10 - Jun 7/8 - 2nd Round Playoffs

Week 11 - Jun 14/15- U13 - HS SYSL CUP Finals (Father's Day Weekend)

Rec Soccer Professional Training Schedule

Remember...shin guards are required for practices/trainings and games, and are to be worn completely inside of soccer socks.

Training Schedules will be published in Mid-March after teams have been formed, and trainers assigned.

Rec Soccer Program Overview

note:  Intercounty soccer is now called RECREATIONAL SOCCER; u9-HS (rebranding announced 1/27/2024)

If your questions/needs are not supported by the information on this page, please email [email protected]

All players in CSC's Recreational program will be assigned a team - teams will have volunteer Coaches and Team Managers for the weekly games.  Teams will have one professional training session per week - some coaches may hold a 'coach' practice in addition to the scheduled training sessions.  

U9 - U12:
Game play is supported by a 'local play' arrangement with neighboring towns/programs embracing U.S. Soccer's recommended guidelines for youth soccer - all within a 20-minute drive from Cranford.  Games are targeted to be played on weekends.  Age groups are U10 & U12 for boys and girls (note that if enough teams available, ages may be broken-out by year (i.e. U9 and U10).  Each age group may have multiple "flights" to group teams based on skill level, so matches are more evenly played during the season.

There are no team tryouts and all players receive significant playing time (target at least 50%).

U13 - High School:
Game play is supported by SYSL-NJ, a semi-competitive league with players competing against neighboring towns - all within a 30-minute drive from Cranford. Games are targeted to be played on weekends.  Age groups are U13, U15 & HS  for boys & girls. Each age group may have multiple "flights" wherein the League attempts to group teams based on skill level, so matches are more evenly played during the season.  Player age-group eligibility (birthyear based) is strictly determined by the league's governing body (NJYS) & its affiliated leagues.

There are no team tryouts and all players receive significant playing time (target at least 50%).  If you find that your player is not receiving at least 50% playing time, please notify [email protected].

Rec Soccer Program Divisions

updated for Spring 2025

U10 - birthyears 2015 / 2016

U12 - birthyears 2013 / 2014

U13 - birthyear 2012

U15 - birthyears 2010 / 2011

HS - birthyears 2006 to 2009

Team Formation

Team Formation:

In an effort to enhance the playing experience for everyone, team formation is subject to our new Tenants of Team Formation (below image). This allows us to build appropriately sized rosters for each team, mitigate instances of undersized/oversized rosters and allow for all of the kids to receive the appropriate playing time and experience they deserve.

In addition to promoting appropriately sized rosters, teams are formed with the goal for teams to retain their players which helps to build relationships, and further the team's chemistry on the field.  This can be a challenge season to season, as about a 1/3 of our players do not play both Fall and Spring. 

Rec Soccer Parent/Guardian References

How to know what team your player is on:  Find your player's roster 
note 1:  if clicking team name (step 3) does not open a Team Directory page, the roster has not been posted 
note 2:  all parents/guardians will be informed once all rosters are posted (rosters were posted 3/23 for Spring 2024)

Other Things to know as a parent/guardian of a player:

  • coaches are volunteers; be respectful of their time and efforts
  • coaches are encouraged to address and/or report inappropriate parent/guardian behavior directed at anyone
  • the SYSL parent/spectators code of conduct should be read by all parents/guardians
  • SYSL has a 6 goal differential allowance - violation of this is taken very seriously and places the coach and the club in bad light
Remember...shin guards are to be completely inside of soccer socks.

We encourage parents and guardians to register to coach and/or volunteer with the club. The Cranford Soccer Club does not exist without the effort and dedication of parents and volunteers who all help to create a rewarding soccer experience for our children. No prior experience is needed, and we assure you, it is an extremely rewarding experience. If you are interested or have questions/concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Rec Soccer Uniform Ordering

FOR Fall 2024:  order deadline (TBD); turn-around-time after that is 1-2 weeks (for pickup).

If you have a new Recreational player, or need to replace a uniform, orders must be placed directly with our uniform partner GoSoccer.

Uniform ordering deadline for Fall 2024 season is 'TBD'. Any orders placed after this date will not be guaranteed for delivery prior the first week of games.

Recreational (formerly Intercounty) uniform kit package price is $81.44 

Ordering Process

1. Go to the Cranford Intercounty Uniform page Here.
2. Login to your account (or create an account for new users).
3. Add your player.
4. Click to order uniform and select size options (numbers are automatically assigned).
5. Add name customization if desired (optional with additional price).
6. Select delivery or pick-up options
7. Complete order and make sure you receive a confirmation email.

Make sure you select and order the Cranford Intercounty Uniform (not Cranford Travel, or Development Academy).  

For ordering questions please email [email protected].


Rec Soccer FAQs

Q. Will my child be on the same team as last season?
A. If your child is a returning player, they will likely be placed on the same team as last season.  If you would like to request a different team, please email [email protected].

Q. When is practice?

A. The practice schedule is set after the registration period.  Training sessions are scheduled after players and teams have been identified.  This is usually finalized sometime in August for the Fall season and sometime in March for the Spring season.  Practice schedule is communicated by the head coaches just prior to the start of the season.

Q. How many practices are there?
A. There is a minimum of one practice a week which is led by a professional trainer from European Football Coaching (EFC).  The practice schedule is dependent on the number of teams participating, the number of available fields and trainers.  Trainer led practices are on a weekday. There is usually a second practice, however this is scheduled at the discretion and availability of the volunteer coaches.   

Q. When are games played?
A. Games are usually played on Saturdays, with Sundays usually reserved for make-up games due to inclement weather or player availability.

Q. Are there tryouts?
A. No, there are no tryouts for Recreational soccer.  Players are assigned to teams based on their birth-year and all get an opportunity to play.

Q. How far do we have to travel for a game?
A. One of the great benefits of Rec soccer is the reduced commitment on families participating, particularly when it comes to travel.  All game opponents are within a 20-mile radius of Cranford.

Q. How long are the games?
A. U10 = 50m, U12 = 60m, U13 are 70m, U15/HS = 80m; add 5 minutes to each for half time

Q. My child is playing Middle School soccer, can they still play Rec Soccer?
A. Yes, a player on the Middle School team can still play Rec Soccer.

Q. My son (or daughter) is playing on the Cranford Soccer Travel team, can he also play Rec Soccer?
A. Yes, a player on a Cranford Soccer Travel team can still play Rec Soccer. We encourage players that would like more soccer to register for both programs. Please note in the last field of the Rec Soccer registration form, if you will be registering for both, to inform our team formation process.

Contact Us

Cranford Soccer Club

P.O. Box 903 
Cranford, New Jersey 07016

Cranford Soccer Club

P.O. Box 903 
Cranford, New Jersey 07016

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